Dear Advocates,
People with disabilities in Canada have been waiting for the Canada Disability Benefit (CDB) for far too long. With 1.6 million people with disabilities living below the poverty line, CDB payments can't come soon enough for those eligible. And we're in the home stretch. Draft regulations were made public last June – and government has received public feedback – but they're still not finalized.
With parliament now prorogued (on hold) until March 24 and the possibility of entering a federal election soon after, the CDB is at risk – leaving working-age people with disabilities behind and disappointed once again.
Finalizing the regulations is the last step in getting the CDB across the finish line. We know it’s not perfect but if the CDB regulations aren’t finalized before a federal election is called, we're at risk of further delaying the start of this urgently needed national disability benefit!
Join us in advocating now to Guarantee the CDB by visiting https://bit.ly/42ajcBS. Everyone’s voice matters. We can make this happen, together.
Thank you,
Amanda MacKenzie
Director, External Affairs
March of Dimes Canada